9 : Small Fry And Reverse Retribution
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Yuji training with Gojo was so he can gather and use cursed energy in combat. This was to lead to his own signature move similar to Yusuke from Yu Yu Hakusho spirit gun or Naruto rasengun. What we have for Yuji is reverse retribution. Since his energy is slow to gather it has a 2nd impact affect. Thinks of it as a bomb or bullet with a delay detention. You hit them with some energy but the serious punch is coming afterwards.
The Fry Scholarship offers additional education choices to the surviving children of military personnel that have been killed in action. Marine Gunnery Sergeant John D. Fry, 28, of Lorena, Texas, only had a week left in his Iraq tour in 2006 when he injured his hand. He was given the option of leaving Iraq after the injury and going home with a Bronze Star. He declined and volunteered to go on one last run to defuse bombs. After working seven more hours, Gunnery Sgt. Fry was killed March 8, 2006, by an improvised explosive device in Anbar province, Iraq. He left behind his widow and three small children.
20 years ago, after Kurozumi Orochi and Kaidou imprisoned Hyogoro and killed his wife and several family members, the latest of a series of heinous acts Orochi did while he occupied the shogun position in Wano Country, Kozuki Oden gathered his retainers for retribution. The shadow the ten samurai cast from the setting sun gave the retainers the name of the Nine Red Scabbards.[15]
The Scabbards (except for Nekomamushi and Denjiro) gathered in Amigasa Village along with several other key members of the alliance to begin a strategy meeting.[59] As the day of the Fire Festival drew close, the Scabbards led the alliance in various ways. Finally, on the day before the battle, seven of the Scabbards headed toward their meeting place with Momonosuke and Shinobu.[60][19] They later found Tokage Port in ruins, with their allies absent and unable to be contacted.[61] Desperate, the Scabbards head out on a small boat, preparing to continue the fight by themselves.[62] The Scabbards set sail and left Momonosuke at the port. As Kin'emon wondered about the possibility of a traitor among them, Kanjuro then revealed that he was the mole. Kin'emon angrily beheaded him, only to learn that it was a copy and the real Kanjuro remained on the coast and that he had captured Momonosuke to bring him to Onigashima. As this was happening, the Scabbards' boat was confronted by three Beasts Pirates ships, but the ships were suddenly attacked by the Straw Hats, Heart Pirates, and Kid Pirates. The Scabbards' boat was then lifted by Law's submarine.[63]
Griffin: He rears back one of his giant fists, this fist is like the size of your torso-- his frame like I said is like heavily armored, very tank-like, he's got these two sort of small bent legs that-- is not really holding up his frame as much as his two arms with these two giant fists at the end of them, is. And he doesn't seem to have any kind of like, discernable head. His fuse is just right in the middle of his body, and it is now cracked. But anyway he rears back one of these gigant-- ginormo fists- [crosstalk]
Our survey revealed that conducting research in the field exposes scientists to a number of negative experiences as targets and as bystanders. The experiences described by our respondents ranged from inadvertent alienating behavior, to unwanted verbal and physical sexual advances, to, most troublingly, sexual assault including rape. These proportions of respondents experiencing harassment are generally consistent with other studies of workplace harassment in other professional settings [14], [16]. Although men and women at all career stages were exposed to or targeted for harassment and assault, trainee women were disproportionately more likely to report such experiences. Similarly, in a sample of medical trainees, 22% of males and 73% percent of females had experienced workplace sexual harassment during their residency [30]. Moreover the experiences of women most often occurred in the context of power differentials; half of such experiences originated from individuals senior to the target in the professional hierarchy of the research team. In contrast, those men in our sample also targeted for harassment and assault most often experienced inappropriate comments or unwanted contact originating from peers. Conventional wisdom often attributes the majority of sexual misconduct to locals and cultural differences, an important consideration for, for instance, the international business workplace [15]. Incidents perpetrated by locals certainly exist and are traumatic [31], [32], but represented a small minority of cases in our survey. Although women in our sample observed or heard about inappropriate comments more than did men, we are not able to determine if this difference reflects disparity in experiences [14], [16] or differences in perception [33], [34], [35], [36], as both may be operating in the workplace.
These data are consistent with broader literature on workplace bullying and harassment. Many academic and corporate workplaces have zero tolerance policies for sexual harassment, but these policies are rarely attached to reporting and enforcement mechanisms that create safe spaces for victims to come forward [51], particularly as the onus is on the target of abuse to prove that the behavior is unwelcome and affects work [22]. A small minority of our survey respondents ever reported the harassment and assault they experienced, in part because very few respondents were aware of any avenue to do so. Those who had access to known reporting mechanisms may have remained hesitant to do so. Fear of reprisal was the primary reason for not reporting rape among a national study of US women [52]. Aspiring academics are exquisitely aware of the realities of finding and securing a position within small, highly specialized disciplines; as a result, targets and bystanders may be especially inhibited from reporting. Improving reporting mechanisms, however, is only a partial solution. Reporting can retraumatize the victim, precipitate retribution, and negatively affect job performance [52], [53], [54]. This may help explain why so few respondents were satisfied by the outcome of reporting harassment or assault.
Apple (AAPL) appears to be joining a slate of tech giants that, at the very least, are tapping the brakes on their hiring plans due to concerns about a possible economic slowdown. The decision isn't part of a company-wide policy, but will rather be implemented in different business groups depending on product sales, supply chain issues and consumer demand. Apple still intends for an aggressive slate of product releases through 2023 despite the move to limit job growth and expenditures.Snapshot: Silicon Valley seems to be increasingly worried about a coming recession and has taken steps to decelerate spending and rein in their budgets. Tech giants - from Alphabet (GOOG, GOOGL) and Amazon (AMZN) to Meta (META) and Microsoft (MSFT) - have all reduced their rate of hiring or altered their employment plans. Microsoft even recently confirmed it had cut a small number of jobs that reportedly totaled less than 1% of its 181K-person workforce.If things deteriorate further, the tech sector could become susceptible to economic drops the industry has traditionally avoided. In recent months, Tesla (TSLA) has fired hundreds of staff and closed a California office devoted to its Autopilot technology, while Netflix (NFLX) conducted another round of layoffs. The worries have even extended to the startup world, with telehealth unicorn Ro and online education platform MasterClass recently slashing nearly a fifth of their workforce.Go deeper: In an interview with Reuters, Microsoft President Brad Smith went on to say that U.S. companies were in a \"new era\" of hiring. The trend of 5M workers entering the U.S. population every five years since 1950 has also been completely upended, with only 2M people joining the nation's workforce between 2016 and 2020. \"That helps explain part of why you can have low growth and a labor shortage at the height at the same time,\" continued Smith. \"There just aren't as many people entering the workforce.\" (34 comments)
1 Asteroid impact Once a disaster scenario gets the cheesy Hollywood treatment, it's hard to take it seriously. But there is no question that a cosmic interloper will hit Earth, and we won't have to wait millions of years for it to happen. In 1908 a 200-foot-wide comet fragment slammed into the atmosphere and exploded over the Tunguska region in Siberia, Russia, with nearly 1,000 times the energy of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. Astronomers estimate similar-sized events occur every one to three centuries. Benny Peiser, an anthropologist-cum-pessimist at Liverpool John Moores University in England, claims that impacts have repeatedly disrupted human civilization. As an example, he says one killed 10,000 people in the Chinese city of Chi'ing-yang in 1490. Many scientists question his interpretations: Impacts are most likely to occur over the ocean, and small ones that happen over land are most likely to affect unpopulated areas. But with big asteroids, it doesn't matter much where they land. Objects more than a half-mile wide- which strike Earth every 250,000 years or so- would touch off firestorms followed by global cooling from dust kicked up by the impact. Humans would likely survive, but civilization might not. An asteroid five miles wide would cause major extinctions, like the one that may have marked the end of the age of dinosaurs. For a real chill, look to the Kuiper belt, a zone just beyond Neptune that contains roughly 100,000 ice-balls more than 50 miles in diameter. The Kuiper belt sends a steady rain of small comets earthward. If one of the big ones headed right for us, that would be it for pretty much all higher forms of life, even cockroaches.
19 Divine intervention Judaism has the Book of Daniel; Christianity has the Book of Revelation; Islam has the coming of the Mahdi; Zoroastrianism has the countdown to the arrival of the third son of Zoroaster. The stories and their interpretations vary widely, but the underlying concept is similar: God intervenes in the world, bringing history to an end and ushering in a new moral order. Apocalyptic thinking runs at least back to Egyptian mythology and right up to Heaven's Gate and Y2K mania. More worrisome, to the nonbelievers at least, are the doomsday cults that prefer to take holy retribution into their own hands. In 1995, members of the Aum Shinri Kyo sect unleashed sarin nerve gas in a Tokyo subway station, killing 12 people and injuring more than 5,000. Had things gone as intended, the death toll would have been hundreds of times greater. A more determined group armed with a more lethal weapon- nuclear, biological, nanotechnological even- could have done far more damage. 59ce067264