Things To Buy Before Giving Birth
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But keep reading if you want the lowdown on the absolute essentials you need to buy ahead of giving birth and pointers on the best brands and places to buy the most popular of each of the things on the list.
While there are many different things you can do without when it comes to your little one (like a diaper wipe warmer) there are just certain things that are baby essentials that you need to have on hand before you come home from the hospital.
In this post, I'll tell you exactly what you need buy when pregnant to prepare for that sweet new addition. Plus, you'll find out why these things are great to have on-hand before the BIG BIRTH!
Ditch your fancy handbag, mamas. You'll be using the diaper bag for everything for the next few years! A diaper bag is a major baby thing to buy before birth because you can prepare it ahead of time.
This brings me to the next must-have baby things to buy before birth: baby mittens. I had no idea how much I would need these in the beginning. When my next child is born, I'll be bringing a set of these to the hospital.
Whether you are expecting your first child or your fourth, giving birth can be a roller coaster of emotions. Having a new baby can be pure bliss, but it can also be equally exhausting and overwhelming. Particularly during the newborn phase, you may find once routine tasks difficult due to either lack of time, lack of energy or both.
Leading up to the birth of your baby, it may seem like all of your healthcare has been pregnancy oriented. However, before the baby is born, you should take care of other routine healthcare tasks. Go to the dentist and the optometrist for preventative care. If you need dental work or new glasses or contacts, take the time to get these things done while you do not have to worry about bringing a newborn along.
It helps prevent serious birth defects that can happen before you know you're pregnant. You'll find this B vitamin in many foods, including leafy greens, citrus, and beans, but most women need a pill to get enough.
If you work, consider what you want to do once you've had your baby. Some companies provide paid time-off after you give birth. Others offer unpaid time-off. You may also be able to use sick days or vacation time before you go back.
You may have stretch marks on your belly where your skin stretched during pregnancy. Some women also get them on their thighs, hips and bottom. They may not disappear after giving birth, but they do fade over time.
See also: Your postpartum checkups, Warning signs and symptoms of health problems after giving birth, Maternal death and pregnancy-related death, Postpartum depression, Baby blues after pregnancy, Keeping breast milk safe and healthy, Birth control, How long should you wait before getting pregnant again
Hospitals have lactation counselors that can help you get off to a good start. But I also recommend that my patients find a lactation counselor who they can see soon after coming home. (It can take a while to figure out how to breastfeed.) The month before birth is the time to choose a lactation counselor and to check into health insurance coverage.
Charles Duhigg outlines in the New York Times how Target tries to hook parents-to-be at that crucial moment before they turn into rampant -- and loyal -- buyers of all things pastel, plastic, and miniature. He talked to Target statistician Andrew Pole -- before Target freaked out and cut off all communications -- about the clues to a customer's impending bundle of joy. Target assigns every customer a Guest ID number, tied to their credit card, name, or email address that becomes a bucket that stores a history of everything they've bought and any demographic information Target has collected from them or bought from other sources. Using that, Pole looked at historical buying data for all the ladies who had signed up for Target baby registries in the past. From the NYT:
There are tons of good reasons (for example, being a sexual abuse survivor, or just really not liking the idea of nursing) to decide before your baby is born that you definitely want to exclusively pump from birth.
If a baby is at risk of being born too early, giving the mother steroids before the birth can help her unborn baby's lungs to develop more quickly. This reduces the risk of serious complications or the newborn dying.
When pregnant women took a single course of steroids, no adverse effects were observed in the newborns. Studies that followed the development of preterm babies into childhood or adulthood did not find any clear differences in growth and development between those who received steroids before birth and those who did not.
A birth defect can be found before birth, at birth, or any time after birth. Most birth defects are found within the first year of life. Some birth defects (such as cleft lip) are easy to see, but others (such as heart defects or hearing loss) are found using special tests, such as echocardiograms (an ultrasound picture of the heart), x-rays or hearing tests.
While we still have more work to do, we have learned a lot about birth defects through past research. For example, some things might increase the chances of having a baby with a birth defect, such as:
If you have a home birth without planning to, or if things happen unexpectedly, a paramedic and midwife will attend your home. They will have everything they need with them to support the safe birth of your baby.
Which and Birth ChoiceUK have developed a tool to help you find out what your choices are for giving birth in your area. This tool combines your preferences with research evidence to show the local options most suited to you.
Postpartum Psychosis Postpartum psychosis (PP) is a severe mental illness that occurs after childbirth. PP is a medical emergency, and it is important to seek help immediately by calling 911 or going to the nearest emergency room. Women who have PP can have delusions (thoughts or beliefs that are not true), hallucinations (seeing, hearing, or smelling things that are not there), mania (a high, elated mood that often seems out of touch with reality), paranoia, and confusion. Women who have PP also may be at risk for harming themselves or their child and should receive help as soon as possible. Recovery is possible with professional help.
Another option for an OB/GYN is working with the pediatric staff at the hospital. The head doctor (Chefarzt) usually oversees the entire pediatric department at the hospital. He/she is available to patients who are privately insured and because there are so few head doctors (usually one for the pediatric department) he or she will probably not be available to assist with the labor and delivery. However, the rest of the staff is trained to do exactly that and communicate with the Chefarzt frequently. One benefit of having your regular exams performed at the hospital is that it allows you to develop a rapport with the staff and you are better able to familiarize yourself with the hospital prior to giving birth. (See Choosing a Hospital.)
The midwives in Germany are trained medical professionals, licensed to perform physical examinations of mom and baby including removing sutures. They are on call 24 hours a day and will help with absolutely any questions that you may have (including breast-feeding, formula where's and how's, bathing - the list is endless) before, during and after delivery. As mentioned earlier, it is the midwife who is ultimately responsible for the birth process.
There are two other things that you may hear about - Kindergeld and Erziehungsgeld - both of which are moneys paid by the German government to residents to help them defray the cost of raising a child. There are several forms to fill out and all are in German. So before you spend a lot of time trying to fill them out, you may want to see whether you are eligible.
These items are grouped together since the same office - the Consular Section of your home country's Embassy - is the one that you need for all three. Most offices are open from 8 to 11:00 a.m., but call ahead and verify before you drive to the Embassy. You have two options for the photos. Many photo shops can provide the correct size and composition photo for you. You will need several passport size photos of the baby's face in color or black and white. For Americans, the birth certificate will be issued that day and the passport will be sent to you in the mail within 48 hours. The Social Security number paperwork will be forwarded to the U.S. and the number will be sent to you from the United States within several weeks.
If the results come back abnormal, or if a test you had just before you became pregnant shows abnormal results, you don't need to worry. This doesn't mean that you have cancer, but that there are some abnormal cells that can be easily treated a few months after the birth.
As with cone biopsy, studies looking at pregnancy after LLETZ show that there is a small rise in risk of birth before 37 weeks and having a low birth weight baby. This risk can depend on the amount of cervical tissue that has been removed.
In an agency adoption, a public or licensed private adoption agency or a CDSS adoptions regional office places the child for adoption. The birth parent's parental rights are terminated either by court order or by the filing of a relinquishment. The adoption agency becomes legally responsible for the care, custody and control of the child. The agency studies and approves adoptive applicants before placing a child in their home for adoption, then supervises the placement for six or more months before the court approves the adoption.
Your body and emotions are going to experience a lot of changes in the days and weeks following childbirth. Here are some of the key things to expect immediately after giving birth and during the postpartum recovery process.
Your hospital, your OB doctor and your risk factors may limit what options are available, so I encourage patients to discuss their preferences with their doctor. Your birth plan generally is an ongoing discussion both before and during labor, and it's okay if your decisions change. 59ce067264